Charles has appeared on financial TV over 200 times and quoted frequently in the financial media

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What is inflation and what is asset inflation?

By Charles Biderman

Inflation and Asset Inflation are two different results. Charles brilliant defines the difference and delivers a clear understanding of how Asset Inflation is created.

Wealth Inequality & money printing

By Charles Biderman

In this video Charles describes how creating more government debt, on top of more debt - through money printing - funnels down into a gaping disparity between wealthy and middle-class households.

Latest Articles / December 2024

Crypto Biggest Ponzi Scheme Ever

A ponzi scheme is where the price of a relatively worthless asset keep going up as more $ keeps pouring in

Latest Articles / November 2024

To Stop US Inflation Allow Mass Immigration

The Oldest Profession is Not What You Think

Soaring Budget Deficits Sooner or Later will Crash

First bonds, then stocks....then crypto

The new administration believes that reducing taxes and regulations will boost the economy.

Yes, the markets and overall economy have been at record highs. Yet, despite the booming markets, Trump won because half of Americans do not own stocks or housing. 

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Crypto Mania: A Money Printing Phenomenon

The unprecedented stimulus measures are driving speculative stocks and cryptocurrencies sky high. A prime example is the show Elon Musk is putting on with Dogecoin. But the impact will be all the harder if the Tesla CEO, like Icarus, gets too close to the sun.

Authoritarianism is Dying

The pandemic poses significant challenges to democracy and the rule of law. Meanwhile, authoritarian systems are experiencing an upsurge. But this is only a temporary trend, because thanks to the power of free markets, we are inexorably heading towards global prosperity.

Pump & Dump

New government funding is likely to bubble up stocks further. That means the risk of a market crash in the coming year is rising. Investors should be especially careful in the month of April when several hundred billion Dollars in capital gains taxes are due.Icarus, gets too close to the sun.

Black Swan Ready to Fly

Suckers Market: There are increasing signs that the stock market boom is nearing its peak. Retail investors are speculating wildly with options and believe that they cannot lose money with stocks. At the same time, companies are throwing more and more stocks onto the market. A sure recipe for a crash.